Second quarter water accounts were due for payment on 31 January. The third instalment reminder notice for rates will be issued this week and they will be due for payment on 28 February.
Please contact Council as soon as possible if you are having difficulties making your rates or water payments so arrangements may be entered into.
If ratepayers do not make contact, they may be referred to a debt recovery agent and further fees and charges will be added to your account.
All overdue payments also incur an interest charge of 8 per cent, calculated daily, which also adds to the debt.
Council may also install flow restrictors to water meters for ratepayers with overdue water accounts if they have not made arrangements for payment. This is a last resort option.
Payments can be made in person by cash, cheque and eftpos between 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Payments may also be made by bpay, direct debit, credit card, deductions from Centrelink. Please contact Council if you wish to discuss any of these options further.
Afternoon drop-in sessions for 12–24-year-olds will continue during the school holidays from 2.00pm-6.00pm on weekdays. Please check the Bogan Shire Council Facebook page for start times as it varies on some days.
Family Colour Run Wednesday 7 February from 10.00am – 12noon .
Finish the school holidays with a blast and join a morning of fun at Larkin Oval. Parents and volunteers are welcome to help with the colour stands. Signed waivers are required before the event. Forms can be picked up at the Bogan Shire Library. Children aged 12 and under require adult supervision. Bring your own light-coloured shirt and sun protection.
Lego session (all ages) – Thursday 1 February all day. Further details available on the Nyngan Library Facebook page.
Baby Time every Friday at 11.00am.
Story Time every Monday and Tuesday at 10.30am.
February opening hours: Monday to Friday, 6.30am-8.00am and 11.00am to 8.00pm.
Waterslide hours: weekdays after school – two hours per day; weekdays during school holidays – five hours per day; weekends and public holidays – five hours per day.
Entry: single daily admission: $3 per adult and $1 for children under two (if swimming). Season ticket: Single - $110; Family - $215.
The Breastscreen Van will be in Nyngan until 20 February. The van will be parked in the carpark near the Nyngan Museum. Free Breastscreen appointments can be made by calling 13 20 50 or online at www.breastscreen.nsw.gov.au
The next ordinary meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 22 February 2024 commencing at 5.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to sit in the visitor gallery at Council meetings, with the exception of during confidential time. Council business papers, minutes and a recording of meetings are available on the website www.bogan.nsw.gov.au or as hard copy at the Nyngan Library.