Great to see the continuing rainfall throughout the district and everything looking so green afterward.
The Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre is something that our community has wanted for ages. It has been great to see so many programs being run, and the Centre being utilised with our kids and other community groups, especially through the school holidays with lots of programs and activities run. James Tuitahi, Nyngan Tigers Senior
League Captain/Coach, will be continuing on from the school holiday programs he ran now school is back, and he will continue to offer supervised sessions of bootcamp, volleyball, basketball for 12- to 24-year-olds at the Youth Centre. So be sure to check out the program timetable for session days and times. The Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre is open every afternoon from 3-6pm. Youth Week for 2024 is fast approaching and the Bogan Shire Council has conducted a survey for youth to their share ideas and preferences for activities during Youth Week.
The Bogan Bush Fellas Group is for blokes in the Bogan Shire who meet up at the Youth and Community Centre each fortnight on a Thursday at 10am for a cuppa and a yarn. All ages are welcomed with the next meeting to be held on the Thursday the 29th of February
2024 so pop along if you want some company. The catch-up schedule for the year is on the Bogan Shire web page/Facebook or more information at the sessions.
On Thursday the 15th February, there was a Regional Drought Resilience Planning Workshop held at the Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre in Nyngan. This workshop was a State and NSW Government funded initiative for all community members to come along and offer their ideas and suggestions from people within regional communities. The Workshop discussions had some great strategies for planning and surviving through droughts. There will be a series of meetings throughout the State, and once information is collected from these it will be correlated and a plan formulated and presented to the Government for the implementation of pre-drought strategies for communities and towns to use. Many thanks to Roy Butler who has been a great advocate for our rural communities throughout droughts.
The Teamsters Rest and the Early Learning Centre additional carpark has now been bitumen sealed and looks great. After months of waiting, the Racecourse Grandstand is nearing completion. The women’s change room at Larkin Oval has progressed and the
frame is up. The Blue Green Algae in the river still continues to be a problem with a red alert still current. Re-sheeting and maintenance grading is currently being undertaken on Booroomugga Road and shoulder grading on the Barrier Highway is still in progress, Whiterock Road and Bourkes Road is also undergoing maintenance grading.
Last Thursday the 22nd February was the first Council Meeting back for councillors for 2024. Council Meetings are recorded, and you can listen to Meetings on the Bogan Shire website.
I’d like to make mention that all customers to any of our Council run organisations, such as our Medical Centre and Council Offices, that they please treat our staff with the same amount of courtesy that they would expect to be treated with.