Public Notices
Seniors Week was a great success for everyone who was involved. I would like to give my congratulations to the joint winners voted Senior Citizen of the Year for 2024, Bill Barrow and Dennis Callaghan. Thank you to both of you for your continued significant contributions to our Shire over the years. I would also like to thank all the nominees for their contributions for our Shire as well, I hope all seniors enjoyed the week and the activities that were organised for them.
I attended the Alliance of Western Councils Board Meeting in Dubbo on Friday the 15th of March 2024. It was very insightful on the Youth Crime that is very apparent in not just the western part of the state but most states throughout Australia, with repeat youth offenders continually coming before the courts and barely receiving any convictions for their behaviour. This is an ongoing crisis that we as a community face together and the answer isn’t clear for a solution.
On Friday the 22nd of March I went to Sydney for the Country Mayors Association General Meeting at Parliament House and the topic again was rural crime. Those in attendance for the meeting were Minister for Police in NSW, Yasmin Catley, Deputy Police Commissioner of Regional NSW Field Operations, Paul Pisanos, and Shadow Minister for Police, Paul Toole MP, following continued pressure from the Police Association, Country Mayors Association and NSW Farmers for a parliamentary enquiry into crime, law and order in rural NSW. This has now commenced after originally being rejected, and the statistics presented on regional and rural crime compared to our city counterparts is staggering with up to 90% of vehicle theft, break and enter, sexual assaults, domestic assaults happening in rural towns. Hopefully with the push of these statistics we may see some change for making our communities safer.
Currently maintenance grading, flood repairs and re-sheeting works are being undertaken throughout the Shire on Eulo Glen, West Bogan, Colane, Buckiinguy, Booramugga and Cockies Roads.
Continued heavy patching to repair damaged sealed sections of Cockies Rd, Colane Rd and Canonba Rd is also ongoing.
I hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy Easter long weekend, the Shire will no doubt be buzzing with visitors and if you are looking for something to do, Hermidale Gymkhana will be on Easter Sunday at Hermidale sports ground It is always a great entertaining day out. I wish the Hermidale Gymkhana Committee all the best for the day and hope the weather holds out for you.
Mayor Glen Neill

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Bogan Shire Council

81 Cobar Street 

P.O. Box 221
Nyngan, 2825
New South Wales

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Ph: (02) 6835 9000
Fax: (02) 6835 9011

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