Bogan Shire Council and NetWaste will be holding a Waste 2 Art competition to be judged at the Nyngan Show on May 5-6. There are categories for school students, professional artists and amateur artists. Two or three dimensional artworks can be made from waste materials such as cardboard boxes, packaging, bottes, plastics, scrap metal, fabric etc. Entry forms will be available on the Bogan Shire website www.bogan.nsw.gov.au
Council will be celebrating National Youth Week on April 12-13 with activities at Nyngan High School funded by NSW Government Youth Week.
Friday 12 April - Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre will be closed, with our staff joining Nyngan High School for last day of term celebrations with a colour fun run.
Saturday 13 April – Glow Roller Disco 12pm-2pm, check Bogan Shire Council Facebook page for update on location.
Please check Bogan Shire Council Facebook page for times and updates.
StormCo will be in Nyngan conducting free school holiday activities for children aged 5-12 at O’Reilly Park from 15-18 April. There will be further information on the Bogan Shire Council Facebook page including how to register.
Holiday drop-in sessions for 12-24 year olds will be held every weekday (except public holidays) from 2pm-5pm.
There will be no drop-in session on Friday 12 April as staff will be at Nyngan High School for Youth Week celebrations.
April 15 – FMX Bike Show 10am-12pm Nyngan Showground
April 19 – Disco with photobooth 12pm-4pm, Bogan Shire Youth and Community Centre.
Story time: Monday 29 April and Tuesday 30 April 10.30am-11.30am Baby Time: Every Friday from 11am-12pm
Tech Savvy for Seniors –Thursday 18 April 10am-12pm.
School holiday activities:
April 16 – collage craft (5 and under, booking required) April 17 – canvas craft (6 and over, bookings required) April 22 – frame craft (6 and over booking required)
April 23 – G.R.O.W Nyngan Day, Davidson Park 10.30am-1.30pm April 24 – plate decorating (5 and under, booking required).
Please contact the Nyngan Library on 6835 9080 or via the Library Facebook page to book.
Council has been advised that the NSW Government has approved a full day public holiday on Monday 6 May 2024 for Nyngan Show Day.
Please contact Council as soon as possible if you are having difficulties making your rates or water payments so that arrangements may be entered into. If ratepayers do not make contact, they may be referred to a debt recovery agent and further fees and charges added to their account.
All overdue payments also incur an interest charge of eight percent, calculated daily. Council may also install flow restrictors to water meters for ratepayers with overdue water accounts. This is a last resort option so to avoid this action please contact us.
Payments can be made in person by cash, cheque and eftpos at Council between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Customers can also use bpay, direct debit, credit card, or deductions from Centrelink. Please contact Council if you wish to discuss any of these options further.
The NSW Environmental Protection Agency has set up an online portal for people across NSW to report illegal dumping of rubbish. To report dumping visit www.ridonline.epa.nsw.gov.au and upload a picture of the dumped waste. You can provide the address of the incident using the GPS on your device or select the location on the provided map.
When you report via RIDonline, Bogan Shire Council is sent an email alert about the incident so we can respond. To follow up on a report, call Council on 6835 9000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Importantly, if you discover obviously dangerous waste, such as that omitting toxic fumes or spilt chemicals you should call 000 and report it immediately.
The next ordinary meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 23 April 2024 commencing at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to sit in the visitor gallery at Council meetings (with the exception of during confidential time). Council business papers, minutes and a recording of meetings are available on the website www.bogan.nsw.gov.au or as hard copy at the Nyngan Library.